Home: Pennsylvania, snowy, around 20 degrees F
lake near my house |
Puppy overlooking lake |
RIP Boots |
He always leads |
Home for next 4 months: Arava Valley, hyper-arid desert, 50-110 degrees F
*All photos from a neighboring kibbutz,
Kibbutz Lotan. I'll post photos from the Kibbutz Ketura soon.
So much creative art on the kibbutz! | | | |
View of ridge from Kibbutz Lotan |
On the trek between kibbutzim. | | | | |
Favorite shot |
Today, I wore a hat and 50 sunblock, and I still burned. It's not even hot here, yet. I am going to be mistaken for a tomato. But it's worth it. So worth it.
The pictures turned out well! Looks like the camera was worth it!